Nothing can help you increase sales more than Google Ads when it comes to eCommerce marketing. Google, after all, processes 5.6 billion user search requests daily.


That being said, Google Ads is a rather complicated platform with a wide range of possibilities. For this reason, it is advisable to work with a specialized Google Ads agency that can increase your Google search and shopping ROI while scaling your budget. However, if you are confident that you can do everything on your own, we’ve got you covered.

We are guiding you through methods for getting the most out of your Google Ads campaigns and boosting your sales. 

1. Create Google Shopping Ads Campaigns

Google Shopping Ad Campaigns were responsible for 75% of online businesses’ clicks in 2017 and are a great strategy to boost eCommerce sales. They lead readers directly to a product page from the search results page. Additionally, because these display visually, visitors to your website keep considerably more engaged.

You can create shopping ad campaigns by uploading a product feed to your Google Merchant Center account.  Your Ads account is then connected to the merchant center account. This is where you’ll develop your shopping campaign. You can also optimize the product feed you submit to boost efficiency. Making changes to the product titles and the quality of the product photos can have a significant impact.

2. Implement Product ID & SKU Campaigns

Considering how research-savvy today’s consumers are, it is extremely likely that they will be aware of all the specifics of the goods that they intend to buy.

By developing campaigns where the keywords act as the search query and correspond to the product IDs of your products or SKUs (for suitable products), users at the very bottom of the sales funnel can be retrieved and directed to the appropriate page on your website.

These consumers will be highly engaged and probably be prepared to make a purchase. Because they will be at the bottom of the funnel.

3. Try Smart Shopping Campaigns

Smart shopping campaigns will take your product feed and automatically display your adverts across their networks using Google’s machine learning technology. In contrast to conventional shopping campaigns, which only appear on the search results page, these ads display on Google Search Network, Google Display Network, Gmail, and YouTube.

Smart shopping campaigns have the advantage of being designed to maximize the conversion value on your website while staying within your allocated budget. The campaign will automatically optimize everything to try to achieve your goals once you specify the desired return on your advertising investment. However, it should be mentioned that in order to qualify to build a Smart Shopping Campaign, your existing shopping campaign must have at least twenty conversions in the last 45 days.

4. Create Dynamic Search Ads 

Dynamic Search Ads are a great approach to identifying clients who are using keywords that you might not already be targeting to find what you are selling. When people enter search terms linked to the information on your site, DSAs display search adverts to them.

So, for example, a user may be looking for a “fast delivery striped green v-neck shirt.” It isn’t a phrase you’d normally target in a search ad. As a result, Google will display your advertisement if it determines that your website contains a page that is relevant to the search query. In addition, the campaigns will create a pertinent headline for the search ad. Plus, they will choose the most pertinent landing page to direct the user to.

dynamic search ads

5. Use RLSAs 

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads, or RLSAs, are an excellent approach to raising the effectiveness of an Ads campaign. What they allow you to do is modify your campaigns. This is so users who have already visited your website but haven’t converted see your adverts more frequently.

Consider a scenario in which a person visits your website, browses a few product pages, and perhaps even adds something to their shopping basket. They then depart. RLSAs give you the ability to change your bids. So that users who are retyping your keyword phrases will see your advertisements.

Returning visitors often convert at a 2x higher rate than new users. Therefore, bringing back visitors to your website who haven’t made a purchase before has enormous potential.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few examples of how Google Ads for eCommerce can help your drive more sales. Always keep testing and fine-tuning different campaign techniques until you find the winning combination for the greatest results. And if you’re still on the fence, team up with marketing pros who will perform the grunt work for you.

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