Swiss online wealth manager True Wealth has finally reached its long awaited milestone: They reached 1 billion Swiss Franc in client assets under management (AUM) in its direct business.

Exactly 28 months ago on 19.April 2021 they announced they had reached 0.5 Bio CHF AUM. However, it is likely that the integration of BLKB clients was accelerated in this timeframe. (BLKB owns 40% of True Wealth).

Initially True Wealth wanted to reach the 1 Bio CHF AUM goal already end of 2017, Felix Niederer told in an interview back in February 2016.

Felix Niederer

Felix Niederer

True Wealth started 10 years ago as the first Swiss Robo Advisor to revolutionize digital wealth management in Switzerland. From the beginning, True Wealth’s pioneers relied on fully automated processes.

This strategy is paying off: True Wealth is experiencing strong and consistent growth, reaching another milestone just 10 years after its founding: the online wealth manager reaches 1 billion in client assets under management in its direct business.

Swiss ETF Saving boom continues

Exchange-traded index funds, or ETFs, have been the central pillar of True Wealth’s digital wealth management offering since the company was founded around ten years ago. «ETFs were then, and still are, the best tool to invest in a diversified and efficient way», adds co-founder Oliver Herren.

ETFs have made wealth management more accessible, liquid and cost-effective, Felix Niederer, True Wealth’s CEO says.

«We pass this advantage directly on to our clients. However, with over 10’000 exchange-traded index funds now available, making the right choice is becoming increasingly important – this is where professionals should step in. We understand this business and select the most efficient investment instruments in the interest of our clients»,

Niederer said.

True Wealth also announced that it intends to continue growing in the direct business. To this end, it is constantly investing in product innovations.

True Wealth manages over 1 billion Swiss francs for more than 17’000 clients in the area of discretionary wealth management and tied pension plans. The expansion into securities-based Pillar 3a, launched last October, has got off to a successful start and is already being used by over 4’000 clients.


Featured image credit: Felix Niederer, CEO of True Wealth

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