I just love her little messy bun!

Jesse and I got to go on a date one night, thanks to a local church provided childcare for foster and adoptive families. Micah enjoyed tagging along with us!

It’s so crazy to think of how different my life looks these days compared to a few years ago!

Silas, Micah, and I flew to PA for a two day conference in Lancaster.

I love getting to take one of my older kids with me when I travel and speak.

The conference was held in this really cool barn called The Star Barn. Here’s a little glimpse of it that I took while Heidi Lee Anderson was speaking.

The conference coordinators put us up in this adorable AirBnB that even had a washer and dryer — which we ended up being so grateful for!

Look at that charcuterie board!

Silas was such a huge help at the conference — not only with Micah, but also making sure I ate, carrying my stuff, helping me get my computer set up, and so much more. We came home with so many special memories!

Another fun part of the conference: The coffee trucks!

The fall colors were so beautiful!

As always, it’s good to go… but it’s even better to get back home to the rest of my people!

These two boys are becoming fast friends and it’s so fun to watch the two of them together!

We took the younger four to a pumpkin patch on a recent Saturday afternoon. The weather was absolutely perfect and it was a fun day!

She LOVES pumpkins so she was so excited about all the pumpkins!

This was the best photo I got with all four of them… but even though most aren’t looking at the camera, I still just love it so much!

Micah is currently not a fan of getting his picture taken! He much prefers for Mommy to be holding him at all times!

Micah started sitting up this past month and is getting better and better at it!

Fun on a walk with friends!

We flew to PA again for my best friend’s mom’s funeral. Kierstyn was so excited about getting to fly and the older three did such a good job of taking care of D while we were gone for a night.

It was cool to wake up to this outside our hotel window!

Look who got her braces off??

Watching our older kids find so much joy and delight in our younger kids is one of the best parts of parenting right now!