Welcome to my weekly post giving you a peek into this past week and what’s happening at our house. 

There’s been lots of senior celebrating happening around here. One day, all the seniors wore white shirts to school and then everyone signed their shirts so they’d have a memento from the year! (See this video and read the caption on it for another big highlight from the past two weeks.)

His little grin just brings enormous joy to our home!

Kaitlynn is learning to drive, so we had some driving lessons (Jesse and I split up the driving lessons because we both have such different teaching styles).

For Mother’s Day, Silas and I went on a belated birthday outing and saw the Mario Bros movie. It’s been a LONG time since just he and I went and saw a movie together and it was really fun!

Our church had a celebration for the seniors one night and all the parents wrote letters to their senior and read them to them in front of everyone. It was really special.

And her last official day of high school… she obliged me with a picture. She says it is so weird to realize that she’s never going to be going to 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. school ever again!

Micah Man! He is learning so much — I can’t keep track of all the words he says now as he learns new ones almost every day! He is our earliest talker by far. It will be interesting to see if he ends up being a big talker or if he just has figured out that he has to say words in order to get our attention since there are so many of us. 🙂

He is just the sweetest child and also rarely fussy and all smiles almost all the time!

Silas turned 14 the first week of May and we finally got to celebrate as a family — his chosen activity was to get babysitters for the three youngest and go to TopGolf. We discovered that Kaitlynn is quite the golfer — something we had no idea about!

Silas had his first travel ball tournament of the season this past weekend in Cullman, AL. We thought it might get rained out, but it didn’t get cancelled — and we were so happy! He was the starting pitcher and lead off batter… and their first game was against a team with a 20-1 record AND it poured rain during part of the game. Nothing like getting lots of opportunity to practice grit and showing up even when it’s hard!

The baseball field had a splash pad next to it, which was a HIT with the little kids!

David was soaked — and he loved every minute because water is his happy place!

Speaking of David, he LOVES giving hugs these days. Every morning, he has to give Jesse and I multiple hugs after he wakes up. He slows us down in the best of ways and I’m so grateful for the gift of his sweet life!

We’ve been working on digging up pictures from Kathrynne’s childhood for her graduation display board and it’s been so fun to see how much Micah and Kierstyn look like our older three!

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