Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Fire Boltt has recently launched the Infinity smartwatch at Rs 4,999. We received the black colour variant of the feature-loaded smartwatch as a review unit. The watch has a huge 1.6-inch display that looks both classic and sturdy. But at times, the side buttons, especially the sensitive working crown, pick up accidental touches that change the smartwatch face. However, there are several features that make it worth the price. Let’s find out more in the detailed review.
Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Design
The watch has a metal body that looks premium and rugged. I have been using this watch for four weeks now and have not seen a single scratch on it. There are three functional side buttons. These buttons have a decent finish but one of them has a wrinkly surface. The wrinkles are visible even if you can’t feel them on your hands. The straps, which are removable, are soft and comfortable to wear and big enough to fit any wrist.
The upper button is a hotkey to enter into the functions menu and the lower one into the Sport Modes interface. The middle is a rotating crown that allows you to change the face watch and also make selections. They can be used as a shortcut to access the music interface, voice assistant, and on or off option respectively with a long press.
Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Display
The Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch has a large 1.6-inch HD display. At this pricing, it could have been better if the company had provided an AMOLED display. It offers 400X400 pixels of resolution and a refresh rate of 60Hz. During my usage, I found it to be very responsive. It also has a peak brightness of 600nits, making it bright enough to use even in direct sunlight.
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The display comes with a very thin bezel and has a 90 per cent screen-to-body ratio. According to the company, this is 25% larger than any other round-dial watch available in the market.
Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Battery and charging
The company has not mentioned anything regarding the capacity of the battery, but it can easily run the smartwatch for two days with normal usage and Bluetooth calling. If you want your battery to last even longer, then you can turn off the Bluetooth when not in use. It comes with a four-pin magnetic charger that can charge your battery from 0 to 100 per cent in around 3 hours. Also, the charging cable can be used to download songs to the smartwatch.
You can save around 300 songs in the Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch as it comes with 4GB of inbuilt storage. So you don’t need to carry your smartphone to listen to music while jogging or exercising in the gym.
Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Performance
The overall performance of the Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch is satisfactory. Bluetooth calling works well and the voice quality is clear. The speaker is loud enough to even listen to songs when outdoors. You can get all the notifications on your smartwatch and control them with the help of the FB Invincible Plus app, which is compatible with both Android and iOS.
However, sensors are not very accurate. I felt that most of the time this smartwatch overcounted my steps. Also, blood pressure monitoring is not precise. I used a medical-grade blood pressure monitor and found that it varied from the actual reading every time.
The accuracy of oxygen level (SpO2) and heart rate was satisfactory. You also have a sleep monitoring feature and the app will accurately keep track of how many hours you were awake last night and also the deep sleep time and light sleep duration. It also has a 24-hour health monitoring feature that can be useful. Meditative breathing is something I really liked in this smartwatch.
In terms of UI (User Interface), the Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch has done really well. It has a very simple and neat UI.
Fire Boltt Infinity Smartwatch Review: Verdict
The Fire Boltt Infinity smartwatch has everything that you need in a smartwatch. Also, I even enjoyed playing on this small screen. The only concern can be that it comes with IP67 splash resistance. Most of the smartwatches in this price range now come with IP68 (Ingress Protection) ratings and are fit for usage even during swimming. The lack of an AMOLED display may be a deal-breaker for some. Overall, this watch can easily be worth the money you’ll spend.