Don’t miss this great deal on my favorite Living Proof Dry Shampoo!
If you’ve been following for any length of time, you know that I’m a BIG fan of Living Proof Dry Shampoo! In fact, they’re a big part of why I’m able to only wash my hair once per week.
So I’m SUPER excited that they’re running an exclusive sale right now! They don’t offer discounts like this this very often, so don’t miss this! Keep scrolling to see all the details below.

Through tomorrow night (5/9), you can get 25% off everything on their site + free shipping when you spend at least $50 and use code MSM25 at checkout. Plus, you’ll get a FREE can of dry shampoo when you spend $75 (or a free jumbo-sized can with any $100 order)!
Freebies are added on to your total before tax but after discounts. Code is valid on anything site-wide except for the pre-discounted kits.
This is a great opportunity to save on Living Proof brand!!

Psst! I only have to use a little bit each night before bed, so one can lasts me a really long time!
Valid through end of tomorrow, May 9, 2023.