If I may say so, I would note that one has to be careful distinguishing the system of analysis (the tools) with ideology (goals and worldview).

Karl Marx is most useful in following the money and its use in creating and maintaining the current class system; attacking Marxian analytical techniques because of the flaws he has in his proposed solutions is attacking his description because of his flawed prescription.

The reason I am a socialist and not a communist is because of the flaws in the solutions prescribed by various communists, which deny the reality of humanity. That people are human with their own desires and sense of right and wrong. They are not machines needing to be fixed or saved by some grand system, which is also the problem with Neoliberalism or modern Free Market Capitalism less so with old fashioned Free Enterprise, but not with property, markets, or even money, themselves. Neoliberalism and American Libertarianism are ideologies using deliberately flawed analyses or tools as justification for these ideologies treatment of people as merely cogs in a machine, their value only determined by the amount of financial wealth they have. It is a way for the elites to take and hold power.

I think this also true in some of the other -isms listed in the chart, which tends to be due to the goals of the makers of the ideologies and their analyses along with their understanding, or lack thereof, of human limitations. Maybe, I should use the word wisdom. The problem with Wokeism as I see it, is the lack of wisdom, honesty, or compassion. Even if I was to accept their worldview along with its goals, which I don’t, the use of Critical Race Theory as done by the Wokerati eliminates history, humanity, individuality, and personal responsibility in service to The Truth. Ultimately, it becomes just a power grab and a grift, whatever the truthfulness of the theory is.

My apologies with the overly long comment. I get nervous when Karl Marx is used to justify criticisms of ideas he never dreamed of. “Bad, evil idea X. Why it must be Marxism!” One must be careful as well to separate ideas from their proponents. Sometimes ideas and ideologies are just bad, but sometimes it is the people who are bad.

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