Microsoft Corporate Vice President, General Manager Israel R&D and Microsoft Security CTO Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk spoke with Globes Editor-in-Chief Naama Sikuler at today’s Globes ESG Conference, organized in cooperation with Israel Discount Bank, at the Herzog Center in Tel Aviv. “Microsoft has embraced diversity and inclusion, and companies that embrace this issue are more successful companies. Studies show that this is also very important for our customers, and that it really makes companies successful. Even when companies have a wider range of opinions, they are more successful.”

Regarding the development and role of women at the company, she said. “I’m against affirmative action for women, but I’m in favor of addressing the exclusion of women for certain positions, and we need to start addressing it at an early age. My father taught me to play chess at the age of three.”

Braverman-Blumenstyk also talked about investing in the Arab population and especially the establishment of a Microsoft center in Nazareth, which has led to a fourfold increase in the number of Arab employees in the company. She also referred to the integration of the Haredi population. “High-tech is a very strong sector with power and responsibility, and it is our duty to make sure that all sectors in the State of Israel participate in this industry, and that all sectors benefit from it. We also need to make sure that we reduce the gaps,” she said. Asked about Microsoft’s approach to sustainability she said, “Microsoft’s vision is to empower every person and every company on the planet to achieve more. If the planet ceases to exist, or exists in a less good way, or some of the resources are not here, then it will be a lot more difficult to work on this vision.”

To invest in climate-tech

Sikuler asked about the connection between Microsoft as a tech company and the issue of sustainability. Braverman-Blumenstyk said that the harm to earth also harms Microsoft employees and, as a result, the company itself. She said that the company’s building in Herzliya is the first in Israel to be based entirely on green energy. She also said that Microsoft works with green technologies – such as the ability to produce water from moisture in the air.

She added, “We take the water with which we irrigate our community gardens from the moisture in the air. The company invests in a variety of such technologies. Another commitment of Microsoft is to preserve clean areas of the world. The goal we set is for 2025, and in 2023 we are already 50% above the goal.” Braverman-Blumenstyk added,”We established a fund that has resources of $1 billion to invest in climate technologies. Israel has a lot of such technologies and we work with many startups. Working with partnerships is work that is very important to Microsoft. We also have Microsoft for startups, which helps startups and investors.”

Cybersecurity power to sustainability power

Sikula referred to the fact that Israel has been a cybersecurity power for many years, and asked whether Israel can become a sustainability power, and if so – why and how.

Braverman-Blumenstyk responded that she has been a partner for many years in Israel’s transformation and establishment as a cybersecurity power, and claimed that understanding the reasons why Israel became a cybersecurity power will reflect why and how it can become a sustainability power.

She explained, “Cybersecurity is a very fascinating field, and we manage to bring the best people into cybersecurity, because it involves working against an adversary – the adversary is the attacker, and we always have to be one step ahead, and this is very challenging and brings good people. Sustainability is very challenging in a similar way. There is the important task of defeating the climatic deterioration of the earth, and therefore some people have moved from cybersecurity to sustainability.”

Published by Globes, Israel business news – – on July 5, 2023.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2023.

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