Petrol, diesel price cut announced: The Government has decided to cut the price of petrol and diesel by Rs 2 from Friday, as per reports. While confirming this, the Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter): “By reducing the prices of petrol and diesel ₹ by Rs 2, the country’s illustrious Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji has once again proved that the welfare and convenience of his family of crores of Indians is always his goal.”
पेट्रोल और डीज़ल के दाम ₹2 रुपये कम करके देश के यशस्वी प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi जी ने एक बार फिर साबित कर दिया कि करोड़ों भारतीयों के अपने परिवार का हित और सुविधा सदैव उनका लक्ष्य है।
वसुधा का नेता कौन हुआ?
भूखण्ड-विजेता कौन हुआ?
अतुलित यश क्रेता कौन हुआ?
नव-धर्म…— Hardeep Singh Puri (मोदी का परिवार) (@HardeepSPuri) March 14, 2024
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter): “The Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have informed that they have revised petrol and diesel prices across the country.”
“New prices would be effective from 15th March 2024, 06:00 AM. Reduction in petrol and diesel prices will boost consumer spending and reduce operating costs for over 58 lakh heavy goods vehicles running on diesel, 6 crore cars and 27 crore two-wheelers,” it added.
It further stated, “Reduction in petrol and diesel prices will boost consumer spending and reduce operating costs for over 58 lakh heavy goods vehicles running on diesel, 6 crore cars and 27 crore two-wheelers.”
As per the ministry, the reduced petrol and diesel prices will benefit the citizens through —
- More disposable income.
- Boost for tourism and travel industries.
- Control over inflation.
- Increased consumer confidence and spending.
- Reduced expenses for businesses dependent on transportation.
- Enhanced profitability for logistics, manufacturing, and retail sectors.
This comes as an added bonus for the residents of Rajasthan, as the state government announced a 2 per cent cut on VAT on petrol and diesel. So, adding the reduction of Rs 2 in price of petrol and diesel, their benefits will be much more pronounced. Also Read – Rajasthan govt hikes dearness allowance by 4%; cuts VAT on petrol, diesel by 2%
The price cut came a week after a Rs 100 per cylinder reduction in cooking gas LPG price was announced. That reduction brought down the rates of LPG for common users to Rs 803 per 14.2-kg cylinder and that for the poor, who got free connections under the Ujjwala scheme, to Rs 503 after accounting for Rs 300 per bottle subsidy that the government gives.
Petrol, Diesel price cut: Petrol, diesel prices in Metro cities from Friday
Petrol in New Delhi will now cost Rs 94.72 a litre compared to Rs 96.72 per litre currently, while diesel prices will be Rs 87.62 against Rs 89.62 at present.
Petrol in Mumbai will cost Rs 104.21 a litre from Friday, Rs 103.94 in Kolkata and Rs 100.75 in Chennai.
A litre of diesel will be priced at Rs 92.15 in Mumbai, Rs 90.76 in Kolkata and Rs 92.34 in Chennai.
(With Agency Inputs)