40+ Questions to Ask Your Mentor 

Whether your mentorship discussions are about career paths, career change, job searches, interview tips, personality development, or other related topics, the ability to ask the right questions is a skill that can be honed with helpful hints and practice.

We’ve put together some of the best questions to ask a mentor to help you tap into your mentor’s expertise and knowledge so that you can get the most out of the relationship with your mentor.

Questions to Ask a Mentor About Their Professional Experience

When you choose a mentor, you choose someone who is an expert in their field – someone you can learn from and feel inspired by. Asking your mentor about their professional experience can help give you some valuable insights into their career history and how they go to where they are. This could help shape your own career path or help you decide where to go next with your career.

  • What made you decide to become a mentor?
  • What are your core values, and how do they shape your mentoring style?
  • What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned in your professional life?
  • What motivated you to pursue your chosen career path?
  • What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
  • What have been some of the most difficult challenges you’ve faced in your career?
  • How do you keep up with the latest trends and developments in your industry?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting out in your field?
  • What are some common mistakes in your industry, and how can they be avoided?
  • How do you strike a balance between your personal and professional lives?

Are you looking for a mentor but don’t know where to begin? Check out our guide on “How to find a mentor that can 10x your potential” and advance your personal and professional development.

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