2024 could be artificial intelligence’s biggest year ever.

We’re already seeing the signs…

  • OpenAI unveiled the latest version of the technology that runs ChatGPT.
  • Elon Musk announced that a sarcastic AI ChatGPT rival called “Grok” is coming to X/Twitter. While Apple developed a wearable AI pin that acts as a mobile AI assistant.
  • In London, a breakthrough in AI can accurately identify cancer and people at risk for heart attacks. And researchers have developed an AI that can detect characteristics for Alzheimer’s in brain scans…
  • And, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has requested more funding from Microsoft to create the first “superintelligence.” (This is a $10 billion “multiyear” undertaking.)

Are you seeing how big this mega trend is yet?

Today, I’m going to give you my AI outlook for next year (and two ways to invest)!

It’s also a preview of my week-long Market Insights prediction series — with my team giving our best opportunities for 2024 and beyond.

(Not a subscriber? Now’s the time! Click here for details.)

(Or read the transcript here.)

Unlock My New Artificial Intelligence Energy Stock Before 2024

As I mentioned in today’s video, I’ve been researching artificial intelligence all year — ever since I first heard someone say “ChatGPT.”

It was one of those magic moments … when you know: THIS is going to change the world forever.

2024 is going to be a breakout year for AI.

The time for you to invest is right now.

So to get my full research on how AI is transforming the energy sector (This could be a $40 trillion market disruptor!) — click here now.

Until next time,

Ian King
Editor, Strategic Fortunes

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