A tranche of $1 billion, with a coupon of 13.875%, is due January next year and the remaining thereafter, which could put pressure on the group that recently sold a part of its stake in the local listed entity to meet repayments.
Morrow Sodali sent an email on August 23 to holders of its $1 billion 13.875% due-2024 bonds, $1 billion 6.125% due-2024 bonds, and $ 1.2 billion 8.95% due-2025 bonds and asked them to disclose by September 6 their identities and holdings of the three USD notes. The noteholders have to provide this information either via email, or through their respective custodian banks to the relevant clearing systems, as communicated in an email.
After this, bonds fell a couple of points Thursday, with the $1 billion 13.875% bond due 2024 at 88 bid down from 91 and $1 billion 6.125% bond due-2024 at 67 bid down from 69.50. The $1.2 billion 8.95% bond due-2025 was at 69 bid. Spokespersons of both Vedanta and Morrow Sodali did not comment.
Vedanta’s lead banks have been engaging with investors regarding a potential exchange offer. Standard Chartered Bank recently suggested that Vedanta might consider extending its outstanding US dollar bonds to navigate nearly $6 billion of funding requirements in the next two financial years. The company faces a funding gap of $1.3 billion from July 2023 to March 2024, followed by a requirement of $4.3 billion in FY25.