Many people are lying. I personally know of SEVERAL entrepreneurs who are point-blank lying about their revenues, but there are other ways to shade the truth: I can make $50mm but spend $70mm to get there. I can use a $225,000 launch month to claim I have a “2.7mm run rate.” Some personalities with 2+ million followers have low engagement. Or, like some people who lack ethics, you could rip off Ramit Sethi’s copywriting and then close your business and start playing guitar for a living. Most of these people are doomed — and it’s because of their poor ethics.

Some entrepreneurs are genuinely crushing it. I love seeing it. Check out 


Be extremely selective in who you follow. And think broadly: There are entrepreneurs who make $$$$ but I have zero admiration for them because of their political beliefs (e.g., hateful comments on immigrants). A successful person is more than the money in their account. The older I get, the more I surround myself with people who are  generous, considerate, and honest.

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