My new book The Time-Saving Mom: How to Juggle a Lot, Enjoy Your Life, and Accomplish What Matters Most officially releases to the world!

And I would love to have your help as this much-prayed-over, much anticipated book hits doorsteps and shelves across the country — and around the world!


Would you be willing to come alongside me and help get the message of this book out to more people? I truly believe it has the power to transform homes and lives in very significant ways!

Here are six different ways you can help today — feel free to do one or three or all six!

1. Buy a copy — it comes as an ebook, hardcover, or audiobook. (Make sure you sign up for the six bonuses I’m offering when you buy a copy!)

2. Buy an extra copy or two (or 10!) for friends or a mom who could use some encouragement. They can take advantage of the free bonuses, too — you can get all 6 bonuses for each copy ordered! 

3. Ask your library to carry it. This is HUGE for a book! Most libraries will happily purchase a book if a patron requests it. Even if you already bought a copy, asking for your library to carry it means that more people will find it and read it and have access to it.

4. Share about it online. If you are excited about the book, I’d love for you to post online about it and share a picture of it, why you’re excited about it, and a link so others can also order it.

5. Tell a friend about it. Text or call or email a friend to tell her you just bought The Time-Saving Mom and you think she’d like it, too!

6. Suggest that your book club or homeschool mom’s group or small group go through it together. It would be really fun to have the accountability of others as you’re working through the book and the projects!

Have another idea of a fun way to promote the book? Leave a comment and let me know! I’d love to hear!

Enter to Win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!

As a small way of saying thank you for your willingness to help support The Time-Saving Mom and spread the word, I’m giving away a $500 Amazon gift card to one person who completes two simple tasks and fills out the form here.

That’s right, just do two simple things (I give you multiple options!) and you are entered to win a $500 Amazon gift card! I’ll choose a winner on Thursday evening and will notify them via email.

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