Nikhil Kamath, the co-founder of Zerodha on Friday took to Instagram to extend his warm wishes to Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, on his marriage with Oliver Mulherin. The intimate seaside wedding ceremony was a private affair, with a touching moment captured in a viral photo showing Altman placing a ring on Mulherin’s finger. The ceremony was officiated by Altman’s brother Jack and included a Jewish wedding ritual where the couple broke glass.
Kamath shared a photograph from the previous year’s White House State Dinner on his Instagram stories, highlighting the occasion when he met the newlyweds. The state dinner, hosted by US President Joe Biden, was in honor of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Kamath was among the select Indian dignitaries invited. He mentioned the CEO in his Instagram story.
The connection between Kamath, Altman, and Mulherin dates back to this prestigious event, which not only celebrated diplomatic ties but also facilitated personal connections among its distinguished guests. In his post, Kamath reminisced about the encounter with the couple at the White House.
Oliver Mulherin, originally from Australia, is a software engineer who earned his degree in computer science from the University of Melbourne in 2016. He worked at Meta in Menlo Park, California, until November 2022. The couple resides in San Francisco during the week and retreats to their remodeled house on a private ranch in California on weekends. They have expressed their desire to start a family soon.
The viral snapshots captured the couple exchanging vows, with Altman’s brother Jack presiding over the intimate affair. Dressed in elegant white shirts, the duo partook in the Jewish wedding tradition of breaking the glass. The newlyweds were also captured sharing a moment at the dinner table, marking the beginning of their journey together as a married couple. The viral images offered glimpses into the couple’s special day.
Sam Altman and Oliver Mulherin share a home on Russian Hill in San Francisco on weekdays, and on weekends, they retreat to a 25-year-old remodeled house on a private ranch in California. The couple has expressed their desire to start a family soon.
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