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Ask any mom what she wants for Mother’s Day and she usually just wants to know her family loves and appreciates her.  It is not about the gift, but the love that creates it.

Each year my family spoils me on Mother’s Day.  They bake me a cake and let me relax and not have to cook or do anything the entire day.  I also get gifts that are wonderful.  However, the ones I love the most are the ones which come from the heart, or that my children take the time to make themselves.

One that my kids have given to me many times is a Mother’s Day Coupon Book!  This fun printable coupon book is perfect for kids of all ages.  We’ve even made them in images which won’t require your colored ink — so your own kids can color them to personalize them as they would like!

Some of our coupons for mom include:

  • Complete cleaning of the family room
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Ownership of the remote control
  • One hour of no whining

The book also includes a few blank pages to allow your kids to create their own coupon!  My kids have given me backrubs, paint my nails, and no dishes for a week.  THIS is what I call a gift!  LOL!!!


Your kids can make their own book for mom this year too!  Just print, color, snip and staple and you’ve got a great Mother’s Day gift idea that costs you nothing but a little ink and some paper.

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